In stoc magazin restricted
In stoc magazin Bucuresti (Oxigenului nr 1H: 2km de la Ikea Pallady)
Garantie: 24 luni F024M
Delivery cost in Bucharest:
856,31 HUF
Cost livrare in tara:
1.989,15 HUF
(the cost includes additional kg, within the limit of 6 kg) (Free delivery in the country, for orders over 39.713,49 HUF)
Maclean MCE701B comutator tactil, de inalta calitate, cu iluminare de fundal LED, o alternativa moderna la intrerupatoarele conventionale de lumina, care vor oferi interiorului un aspect nou, elegant. Panoul realizat din sticla dura si temperata este rezistent la zgarieturi si usor de curatat. Comutatorul este rezistent la apa, astfel incat poate fi montat in camere cu umiditate crescuta, precum bucatarie sau baie. Lumina de fundal LED colorata va permite sa localizati intrerupatorul in intuneric.
- Tensiune / frecventa: 110-240V ~; 50 / 60Hz
- Consum de energie: <0,1mA
- Numar de cicluri pornite / oprite:> 100.000
- Sarcina maxima: 1000W
- Sarcina minima: 3W
- Dimensiuni: 86x86mm
- Grosime sticla: 3 mm
- Adancime: 33 mm
- adaptor LED inclus (in cazul efectului luminii stralucitoare)
- Comutator luminos tactil Maclean Energy MCE701B
- Instructiuni
- adaptor LED
- Ambalajul producatorului
- Panou din sticla temperata - Rezistent la zgarieturi - Buton iluminat - Senzor tactil de inalta calitate - Poate fi montat in incaperi cu umiditate crescuta - Design elegant si modern
Rarely, the information may contain small caveats: the product photos are informative and may contain accessories not included in the standard packages. All promotions present on the site are valid within the stock limit. Each product sold benefits from the specific guarantee given by the official supplier, manufacturer or distributor. All brands belong to the legal owners. Our team makes every effort to eliminate any inadvertences or errors.