Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00

Information about your data

Vexio policy regarding the processing of your personal data within the Site can be consulted by accessing the link Notification on operating personal data towards implied persons of Vexio.

This notification includes information referring to managing your personal data as a personal data posesor, in order to enforce your rights regarding personal data protection.

To enforce these rights to inform, access, modify, restrict, delete, oppose and/or porting your personal data, you have two possibilities:

  1. A secured module Information about your personal data , associated to your account, that contains verifying mechanisms of your identity in our reference system.
    Checking your identity as your personal data owner may require you to provide additional personal data at a reasonable level, limited to the confirmation activity of your identity
    These additional data will be temporarily retained for a period of time appropriate to the stated purpose.
  2. If you do not have an account and you do not wish to create one in the idea of using the available online instruments to manage personal data, or you couldn't use the instruments made available by the site after singing in or you couldn't sign in, you may send a written request, that shall include a detailed and clear description of the right you wish to enforce regarding your personal data, to the following email address [email protected].

I don't have an account or I don't remember having one

To view the data associated to your email address or telephone, you need to confirm the property

I want to confirm: