Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00

BroadLink 023833, 2.4 GHz, 38 kHz, Negru

4.965,93 HUF VAT included

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Disponibilitate: Nu este in stoc

Garantie: 24 luni

Delivery cost in Bucharest: 856,31 HUF
Cost livrare in tara: 1.989,15 HUF (Free delivery in the country, for orders over 39.713,49 HUF)

Descriere 023833, 2.4 GHz, 38 kHz, Negru de la BroadLink

Intrerupator (hub) inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home


Noua telecomanda BroadLink RM4C Mini iti va inlocui toate telecomenzile din casa, astfel vei putea controla toate dispozitivele cu IR din casa, facandu-ti viata mai usoara si confortabila!

Cu ajutorul telecomenzii vei putea controla toate dispozitivele electrocasnice din casa prin intermediul aplicatiei mobile BroadLink, disponibila pe Android si iOS.

Functii: Functie de learning, telecomanda universala, control de pe telefonul mobil, control vocal, programare interval functionare, verificare status dispozitiv, creare scene functionare.


Date tehnice:

  • Umiditate admisa: ≤85%
  • Temperatura functionare: 0°C – 50°C
  • Distanta maxima functionare IR: 15m
  • Tensiune de intrare: DC5V
  • Curent de intrare: 750 mA
  • Consum standby: ≤0.69 W
  • Acoperire IR: 360°
  • Conectivitate: Wi-Fi, IR
  • Wireless: 802.11b/g/n ( 2.4Ghz )
  • Frecventa IR: 35Khz
  • Numar device-uri compatibile: 50000+ (Actualizari in mod constant)
  • Tip dispozitiv compatibil: Aer conditionat, Televizor, Soundbar, DVD, Receiver, etc
  • Compatibilitate: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, FastCon, IFTTT
  • Sistem de operare compatibil: Android/ iOS
  • Aplicatie: BroadLink


Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home
Telecomanda inteligenta BroadLink RM4C Mini, IR, Wi-Fi, compatibil Amazon Alexa si Google Home

Technical specifications

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