Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00

Salus Receptor pentru centrala RX10RF, Alb



Intern Code: #2487178

Trimite comanda pana maine la ora 16:00.
Termen estimativ de livrare: Miercuri, 12 Martie intre orele 09:00-16:00
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28.344,10 HUF VAT included

The price includes the green fee.

Disponibilitate: In stoc magazin suficient
Price resealed: 213,43 lei
In stoc magazin Bucuresti (Oxigenului nr 1H: 2km de la Ikea Pallady)

Garantie: 24 luni

Delivery cost in Bucharest: Free
Cost livrare in tara: 1.989,15 HUF (Free delivery in the country, for orders over 39.713,49 HUF)

Suma dorita: HUF
Numarul de rate: luni
Option of Transport with insurance*: HUF
Rata lunara*: HUF
Total de plata*: HUF
  • Smarthome Salus Receptor pentru centrala RX10RF, Alb

    Ambalaj original deschis, urme de utilizare/montaj

    Price resealed: 213,43 lei

Descriere Receptor pentru centrala RX10RF, Alb de la Salus

Receptor pentru centrala Salus RX10RF 



RX10RF este un receptor pentru SALUS Smart Home (IT600) utilizate pentru comunicarea in sistemele centralizate.

  • Tip produs: Receptor pentru centrala;
  • Montaj: Pe perete;
  • Controlabil prin internet: Da (in sisteme cu gateway UGE600);
  • Tensiune de iesire: Liber de potential, releu de 16(5) Amperi;


Caracteristici recepetor pentru centrala SALUS RX10RF:

  • Instalare usoara;
  • Indicatori cu LED-uri;
  • Mod Manual disponibil.
  • Comunicare wireless prin reteaua Zigbee. Necesita gateway UGE600 (in mod online) sau KL08RF (in mod permanent offline);
  • In configuratie standard (RX1), este declansat de toate termostatele asociate (din sistem);
  • In configuratie RX2- receptor wireless va fi declansat de un singur termostat;
  • Atentie! Sistemul nu permite receptoare multiple (cel mult 1 x RX1 si 1 x RX2). Pentru actionari multiple se recomanda folosirea releelor inteligente tip SR600.




Technical specifications

  • Emag
    • Tip produs
    • Utilizat pentru
    • Tip conectare
    • Culoare
    • Altele
      Continut pachet: 1 x Receptor pentru centrala

Rarely, the information may contain small caveats: the product photos are informative and may contain accessories not included in the standard packages. All promotions present on the site are valid within the stock limit. Each product sold benefits from the specific guarantee given by the official supplier, manufacturer or distributor. All brands belong to the legal owners. Our team makes every effort to eliminate any inadvertences or errors.

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